Life Changing Journey
Series I

Short Note

Shree Shambav is a wordsmith. Having authored the ‘Journey of the Soul – Karma,’ ‘Twenty plus One Short Stories Series I and Series II’ and contributed to great videos on various channels, he has now delved into yet another forte, Quotable Quotes. This book is titled, ‘Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes Series I.’ This Series is a compilation of 365 quotations built into fourteen chapters.

Famous people have framed famous quotations. They are inspiring, but to frame quotations directly related to our simple lives is no small matter. For example, on a warm and sultry day, when a breeze brushes past you, you feel the sensation but cannot see it, and thus the quote, “The most beautiful things are unseen but can be felt.”

A person on the verge of giving up is trudging along a deserted street, aimless and desperate. He finds a slogan on a defaced wall. It reads, “Giving up is easier; holding oneself up is wiser.” Such a simple saying or quote can awaken any person from a stupor and may promise a new lease on life. Thus, the achievements of great people can be weighed by the quintessential power of their quotes.

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Full Description

The allure of quotations is that they provide us with a glimpse into the minds and perceptions of others. The beauty of wise quotes is how much information they can convey in so few words. They're also great for reinforcing and confirming what we already know. Hearing the words alone can sometimes persuade us to accept and implement a concept.

Contrary to popular belief, the quote is both timeless and older. When looking for that spark of inspiration, a quote that strikes a deep chord within us can provide us with the inspiration we need to change how we see the world. It might give someone the confidence to try something new in their work, health, or leisure activities. As a result, we occasionally require something consistent to meet our psychological and behavioural needs, something that will assist us in overcoming our daily challenges and living in harmony. As a result, quotations have become essential components of everyday life.

A quote's profundity is frequently due less to the words themselves than to the meaning they convey. Even the shortest quotations have the power to deliver the most important ideas, offer insightful perspectives, and share life lessons.

I hope that this collection of quotations, "Life Changing - 365 Inspiring Quotes," will uplift, inspire, and motivate you as well as occasionally make you smile. I'm confident you'll find them perceptive and, in some cases, practical. I hope they provoke thought in you, inspire fresh thinking, and help you realise more of your potential.

I hope this book will pique the reader’s interest and make them realise that life is beautiful and that we must coexist with the beautiful nature that surrounds us. And we should feel compassion and empathy for all living things. Finally, to quote - “I went for a walk - through the woods and fields, the coastline and rivers, the mountains and sea, and the earth and sky. After seeing the flying bees, the fragrance of flowers, the smell of rain, the soft touch of the wind, the roaring waves, and the flashing stars, I realised that life is full of beauty.”

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Mr Pradeep Joshi

Advocate High Court of Karnataka 

Life-changing 365 Inspiring Quotes Series - compiled by Shree Shambav is a prescription for Good Life - I recently had the pleasure of reading it, and it was a truly remarkable book. The author has compiled an incredible collection of quotes that will undoubtedly inspire, motivate, and challenge readers to make positive changes in their lives.

What I love about this book is its simplicity and accessibility. Each quote is thoughtfully written and provides extensive information about various facts. And helps us too easy to understand and apply to everyday life. “Life changing Journey - 365 Inspirational quotes” has something for everyone, whether you’re looking for more perspective, inspiration, or just a little wisdom.

The book is divided into 14 chapters, each of which focuses on a different theme. I found the book’s structure to be very helpful in finding a quote that resonates with me, depending on my mood or what I’m going through.

Overall, I highly recommend “Life changing Journey - 365 Inspirational quotes” to anyone who is looking to improve their mindset, build better habits, and live a more fulfilling life. It’s a book that you’ll want to keep close by and refer to often for a quick dose of inspiration and motivation.

Mr. Vinayak Khadakabhavi


“Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes.” This book is extraordinary and has had a significant impact on my life. This book’s daily dose of inspiration and motivation is unparalleled, and I have looked forward to each new day’s quote. The quotes cover a broad range of topics, including self-improvement, success, happiness, and personal growth. Each quote is thought-provoking and challenges readers to think more deeply about their lives and their choices.

What sets this book apart from others is its ability to provide practical advice that can apply to everyday life. The quotes are not just empty words on a page, but are practical tools that can help readers make positive changes in their lives.

“Life changing journey - 365 inspirational quotes” is an excellent resource for anyone looking for daily inspiration and motivation. This book has the potential to change people’s lives, and I am thankful to have read it. It has helped me to be more mindful, focused, and intentional in my life, and I am confident that anyone who reads it will feel the same way.
